騎士 中世紀戰爭 Chivalry Medieval Warfare MULTi7 英文正式版(ACT動作遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
1- Install the game
2- Copy the crack from PROPHET dir to
\Binaries\Win32\ folder
3- Go To Hell!
開發《騎士時代(Age of Chivalry)》的mod團隊宣佈他們將用Epic的UDK工具開發該遊戲的商業
久,如今在GDC 2012大會上,《騎士:中世紀戰爭》又冒了出來,並帶給大家一段最新的遊戲預
Besiege castles and raid villages in Chivalry:
Medieval Warfare, a fast-paced medieval FPS.
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a first-person
slasher with a focus on multi-player. Featuring
competitive online combat that seeks to capture the
experience of truly being on a medieval
battlefield. Inspired from the intensity and
epicness of swordfighting movies such as 300,
Gladiator and Braveheart, Chivalry: Medieval
Warfare aims to bring that experience to the hands
of a gamer. The game is skill-based and controls
like a FPS, but instead of guns and grenades,
players are given swords, shields, maces,
battleaxes and longbows. Set in a fictional, yet
gritty and realistic world, players will fight in
fast paced online battles besieging castles,
raiding medieval villages and fighting for glory in
the arena with up to 32 players.