IbexSoftware WtsFtp v4.0.2.1 英文正式版(遠端桌面伺服器和用戶端之間文件傳輸軟體) 安裝序號:
Serial: 12LI56LH913245NT89JX 內容說明:
WtsFtp 是一款遠端桌面伺服器和用戶端之間文件傳輸工具。 英文說明:
WtsFtp is Intended to enable transferring files between a Terminal
Services?Remote Desktop Server and a Terminal Services/Remote
Desktop Client. Up to WtsFtp there was no good solution for
transferring files over the Internet/Intranet between a Terminal
Services/Remote Desktop Client and a Terminal Services/Remote
Desktop Server. On windows 2000 platforms you needed to install
unreliable patches and/or map network drives, exposing your
network to file access from the Internet, loosing transferred
information when the connection is broken and suffer a performance
hit while transferring files over slow network connections. On
Windows XP/2003 you suffered a performance hit while transferring
files over slow network connections and loose transferred
information when the connection is broken. All this has changed
with the introduction of WtsFtp, the first real solution for
Terminal Services/Remote Desktop file transfer.